Lower Sixth and Year 10 focus on personal growth at Days of Reflection

Lower Sixth and Year 10 focus on personal growth at Days of Reflection

4 March 2024

Fr Gerry Devlin, Chaplain

The last two Tuesdays in February saw first our Lower Sixth followed by Year 10 spend a Day of Reflection at the Wintershall Estate in Bramley. The theme for the days was, “Do not fear …. I have called you by name” (Isaiah 43:1) and we started the day by looking at the meaning and story of our individual names given at birth by our parents.

We reflected deeply on this year’s Sacred Heart goal, Personal Growth, in four workshops, which helped students focus on how they can grow in courage and confidence as they discover new abilities, cultivate strengths, learn from their mistakes, develop empathy and exercise resilience in meeting new challenges.

In the drama workshop we looked at the ‘normal’ people who encountered Jesus and how stories in the scripture can help us consider our needs and the needs of others - encounters are important to our personal growth. In the meditation workshop there was time to reflect and be still, the leadership workshop challenged students to use their gifts and talents in serving the community and beyond, and, in creative journalling, the students expressed our Sacred Heart goal through artwork in their personal growth journal. 

Both days concluded with the celebration of Mass and the challenge put before us by St Paul in the scripture reading was to “bear with each other charitably, in complete selflessness, gentleness and patience" (Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-13).  We have all been given unique gifts and talents which we are encouraged to use wisely and effectively in serving the needs of others, for we can all make a difference in our community and beyond if not today, then at least tomorrow.  Thank you to Andrea for playing the keyboard during the Lower Sixth Mass and to all the students who read at Mass, sang the Responsorial Psalm, and participated so well on the day.

Both were uplifting days and we returned to Woldingham renewed in the hope that our personal growth during this academic year will include loving God and our neighbour (Matthew 2:34-40).

On February 27, Year 10’s Day of Reflection, a BBC Songs of Praise film crew was also at Wintershall to capture some of the great work undertaken by this unique and special place throughout the year. Some of our Year 10 students were filmed for the programme, which will be shown on 24 March, Palm Sunday.

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