Aerospace engineer and microbial ecology professor among alumnae panellists helping students explore careers in STEM

Aerospace engineer and microbial ecology professor among alumnae panellists helping students explore careers in STEM

6 March 2024

Mr Rob Philbin, Careers Advisor

On Tuesday 5 March, it was a pleasure to host an impressive panel of alumnae from the field of STEM, whose passion for their chosen careers was abundantly clear as they discussed their journey into their current role, challenges faced along the way and top tips for our students hoping to follow in their footsteps.

Rosalind Allen (class of 1994), a professor of theoretical microbial ecology, discussed the importance of studying subjects you enjoy at A Level, adjustments that need to be made when considering gap years and the positives of working in her field as a researcher, which included independence, networking internationally and spending time with other similarly passionate people.

Business intelligence specialist Oluwaseun Ibitoye (class of 2016) talked about the benefits of utilising her business skills within the field of STEM, how to use professional networks effectively and the importance of being curious and taking risks to achieve your career goals.

Valerie Peter-Akhigbe (class of 2017), an aerospace engineer, explained the intricacies of working on green energy solutions. Her top tips included utilising languages skills, gaining experience from an array of different internships and doing plenty of research on the company / department you are applying to work within prior to interview.

Thank you to all our speakers and the large number of STEM enthusiast students who joined us for the virtual panel. We look forward to the next one.

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