Award-winning author’s visit inspires creative writing and poetry performance on World Book Day

Award-winning author’s visit inspires creative writing and poetry performance on World Book Day

7 March 2024

A visit from Carnegie Medal-winning author Sarah Crossan, whose books include One and The Weight of Water, further fuelled Woldingham’s love of literature on World Book Day, Thursday 7 March.  

Sarah’s talk to students in Years 7 to 9, and visitors from Oasis Academy, de Stafford School and Oxted School - a passionate piece of advocacy for poetry - was aptly described by Woldingham’s Librarian, Ms Owens, as “rollicking”. Sarah urged everyone to look for emotional connection in poetry before trying to understand its meaning – just as most of us naturally do with other art forms, such as songs, paintings and films. Also to try reciting or performing poetry, as that’s when it really comes alive. Kudos to Mr Rattle and Miss May for their recitations from Moana and Vanilla Ice, respectively, and to Sophia, Maya and Antonina, Year 8, for performing a piece from Hamilton, but it was perhaps Antonina who helped prove Sarah’s point perfectly, with a wonderful, spontaneous recitation of the poem People Ask by Seni Seneviratne.

Many students who heard Sarah’s talk were among the throng in the library at lunchtime eager to meet her and have their book signed, after which students in Years 8 and 9 on Woldingham’s Kritikos programme enjoyed a creative writing workshop with Sarah.

Thank you to Ms Owens for organising Sarah’s visit, which was prefaced by an assembly where Teacher of English Dr Klinge talked about the craft of bookbinding (at which he is highly skilled). All in all, a World Book Day to remember and inspire. 

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