Students and staff enjoy a warm welcome from Sacred Heart Sisters at Duchesne House

Students and staff enjoy a warm welcome from Sacred Heart Sisters at Duchesne House

18 March 2024

Fr Gerry Devlin, Chaplain

On Wednesday 13 March, Mrs Hooper, Miss Niekirk and I accompanied our Sacred Heart Ribbon and 11 Sacred Heart Year Reps on a visit to the Sacred Heart Sisters at Duchesne House, Roehampton. 

The students were delighted to chat with the retired Sisters and listen to stories of their time at Woldingham, as part of the novitiate or teaching. The Eucharist is the heart of the Sacred Heart Sisters’ foundation and mission, and we were delighted to have the opportunity to celebrate Mass together.

Afterwards, we joined the Sisters for a lovely lunch.  As we were leaving, the Sisters gave us a large cake decorated with the Society’s heart symbol, which we brought back to school and shared with students and staff at supper. We thanked Duchesne House catering team for such a delicious cake, which was enjoyed by so many.

From Duchesne House, we walked the short distance to the Sacred Heart Primary School, where we were again made to feel so welcome by staff and pupils. Our students enjoyed working with the pupils in the reception class and playing games together - it was a happy and uplifting experience.

At the heart of Sacred Heart Education are the words written by St Paul: “Do not neglect to show hospitality” (Heb 15:12). Thank you to the Sacred Heart Sisters and everyone at the primary school for their kind welcome and hospitality. This was an inspiring day, which was very much enjoyed and appreciated by us all.

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