Careers Fair gives our youngest students food for thought about the future

Careers Fair gives our youngest students food for thought about the future

20 June 2024

Mrs Janet Travis, Director of Higher Education and Careers

Woldingham’s careers education programme extends across all year groups and on Tuesday 18 June students in Years 7 and 8 took part in our Marden Careers Fair. The session began with an introduction to Unifrog, our careers platform, where students can complete career-matching quizzes and search for careers information. The students then heard from a panel of Woldingham alumnae, gathered online, who offered insights into a wide range of careers, including medicine, finance, law, public relations and marketing in the entertainment sector. Many of our panellists shared their experience of working overseas, including a communications expert working within the United Nations Development Programme who joined us live from New York, only adding to the food for thought this session gave our students about their own potential future careers.

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