Junior classicists give confident performance in Latin at Ludi Scaenici Festival

Junior classicists give confident performance in Latin at Ludi Scaenici Festival

3 July 2024

Anjali P and Farah P, Year 7

On Thursday 20 June, members of Junior Classics Society took part in competition-come-festival with other schools, where we had to perform a play – in Latin!

To prepare for the Ludi Scaenici Festival, we co-wrote a play based on the myth of Echo and Narcissus, which we translated into Latin with help from Miss Mackay and some Sixth Form students.  We also made our own props and, of course, learned our lines.

We changed into our costumes as soon as we arrived at the festival and watched other schools’ plays. There were some about chariot races and others about love; they were all fabulous.

We really enjoyed our turn on stage, performing confidently even though we were facing a sea of unfamiliar faces. We had such an amazing time, enjoyed working as a team, and learnt a lot about speaking Latin and about myths. We have already asked Miss Mackay to take us again next year.

Thank you to Miss Mackay, Dr Dixon and Sarah in Lower Sixth for helping us create this play and for taking us to the festival.

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