Scholars plan for an exciting term of music ahead

Scholars plan for an exciting term of music ahead

19 September 2024

Mr Richard Hammond-Hall, Director of Music

It was a pleasure to welcome 10 new music scholars at our annual dinner on Monday 17 September - a wonderful opportunity for our scholars to get to know one another outside the rehearsal room and for us all to agree shared goals and expectations for the year ahead.

As always, our music scholars have hit the ground running. They are already busy rehearsing for this term’s numerous musical performances, including Jazz and Pop Night, a Piano Masterclass, a Soloist Evening, a Solo Song Recital, the pit band for our Sixth Form production, The Wiz, the Winter Concert, and our Carol Service in Westminster Cathedral. Our scholars also play a leading role in accompanying the singing at our whole school Masses and take pride in playing for the whole school community as we gather each week for assembly.

Woldingham’s proximity to London means our scholars can access the excellent Saturday education provided by the UK’s leading music conservatoires and colleges. Four of our current music scholars have gained coveted places at the Junior Departments of the Royal College of Music and the Royal Academy of Music.

The next date on our musical calendar is our Music Scholars’ Recital on Tuesday 1 October, a celebration of musical excellence, where our scholars will all perform as soloists. We look forward to seeing many members of the Woldingham community there, as well as at the other musical treats which lie ahead this term.

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