Fascinating student presentations highlight the value of completing an EPQ

Fascinating student presentations highlight the value of completing an EPQ

14 October 2024

Last week, Upper Sixth Formers unveiled the wonderfully diverse set of topics they collectively chose to address for their Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) as they gave presentations to staff and students. Themes included “To what extent can a range of 20th and early 21st century dystopian novels be considered a reflection of reality?”, “What colour palette in the classroom is preferable for neurodiverse pupils?” and “How effective are the financial fair play rules in the English Premier League?”

While some students chose to present to an audience in the Sixth Form lecture theatre, showing slides on screen, others displayed their work in the café, talking to a succession of visitors. As well as summarising what they discovered about their chosen topic, students explained the approach they took, what went well, and things they might do differently, with the benefit of hindsight, when tackling a similar project in the future. It was clear the students had learnt a great deal - about much more than just the topic they had explored - and many expressed how valuable the experience will be for their future studies. Little wonder then that the EPQ is so highly regarded by universities.

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