12 February 2025
Fr Gerry Devlin, Chaplain
On Monday 10 February, students and staff travelled to Wintershall for the Lower Sixth Day of Reflection. During a thought-provoking day, we took part in workshops together as we reflected on our Sacred Heart goal for this academic year, Social Awareness: how we can become more aware of the needs of others and how our actions in everyday life can make a difference.
This was an opportunity for the students to take time away as a year group, to reflect and share their experiences of helping others to be mindful, to affirm their strengths, to step outside their normal routines and connect in a prayerful atmosphere, away from the everyday busyness of their hectic schedules. We all made a pledge to be Pilgrims of Hope, as we celebrate the Jubilee Year 2025. The hope that comes from knowing we are loved by God; the hope that we can bring to those in need; and the hope we can bring to our common home, the Earth.
As we continue on our journey together at Woldingham, we pray that we can all try harder to “Act justly, love tenderly, serve one another and walk humbly with God.” (Micah 6:8)