23 January 2018
On Thursday 18th January, Lower Sixth Chemistry students set out to London to attend an A Level event hosted by Science Live! The day promised to be enriching, with five lecturers and two examiner sessions ahead.
Soon after arriving at the conference, we found ourselves sitting down in a large hall filled with like-minded students with a passion for chemistry. It was inspiring, to say the least! The five lecturers, who delivered amazing talks such as “Energy and matter at the origin of life” and “An around the world tour of atmospheric chemistry”, were all from leading research universities, including Cambridge and University College London. The popular science writer Dr Philip Ball also delivered a talk about the most beautiful experiments in chemistry. What stood out most to us though, was Dr Peter Wothers’ lecture on the beautiful mathematics involved in the modelling of atomic orbitals. It was highly insightful and we could not help being captivated. The two examiner sessions also proved very useful, providing us with essential tips for getting high grades in our A Level science exams.
Overall, the day was filled with fascinating chemistry that pushed us to think beyond our curriculum and inspired many girls to consider futures in STEM subjects.
Natalia, Lower Sixth