Best ever A Level results: 61% A*-A

Best ever A Level results: 61% A*-A

16 August 2018

Pupils at Woldingham School have achieved outstanding A Level results with 61% of grades achieved at A*-A and 22% of all grades at A*. This is the highest proportion of A*-A grades that the school has ever recorded.

Over 30 girls, more than a third of Woldingham’s A Level candidates, achieved all A* and A grades.

Gender stereotypes were shattered with some notable STEM successes – over 80% of grades were at A*-A in Chemistry and Further Maths. Freya Connor and Claudia Connolly both achieved 4 A*s.

This is a summer of multiple celebrations for scientist and gifted musician, Maya Suen, who juggled her revision for Chemistry, Biology, Maths and Music whilst studying for a Diploma in Piano. Maya was awarded the distinguished FTCL Diploma for her recital of Beethoven’s Sonata No.23, just days before finding out her A Level results (all A*s and A grades). She will read Chemistry at Imperial College, alongside her classmates Yara Burvin (another Chemist) and Anqi Huang who will study Biological Sciences.

Grace Flanagan, joint winner of the 2017 Cambridge Vellacott History Prize, will be reading History at Cambridge.

This was also a great year for our pupils headed to North American institutions: Tobi Ajayi is Ivy League bound with a place at Princeton and straight A*s; Milly Bhuridej has a place at NYU; Eden Kersse at UBC Vancouver; and Isabelle Johnson heads to Haverford.

Headmistress, Mrs Alex Hutchinson, commented:

“At Prize Day I urged our Sixth Form leavers to commit to their ambitions, to aim high and to smash the glass ceiling. Commitment is key to their individual success; and commitment is a skill that needs to be learnt and practised. This an integral part of a Woldingham education.

I am immensely proud of all that our girls have achieved; this summer’s stellar exam results show the decisive steps they have taken towards fulfilling their ambitions and I know they will prove highly influential in their chosen careers.”

For a detailed breakdown of results please go to Academic/Examination Results 

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