House Cross Country and Fun Run

House Cross Country and Fun Run

3 October 2018

After lunch on Tuesday, the back drive was a colourful sight as students and staff made their way to Top Pitches for the annual House Cross Country and Fun Run. As is well known, a good warm up is crucial to both performance and staying injury free, so Woldingham’s athletes were led through some Zumba routines by Mrs Haythorne and Sixth Formers Yulia and Lisa. Who knew dinosaurs could dance?!

Then it was straight to the start line for the cross country runners. After a lap of top pitches they disappeared out of view on their 5k journey on our roads and footpaths. Next it was the turn of our fun runners; where our 5k runners had, probably wisely, limited adornment to face paint (or wings in Mr Ceska’s case), wigs and fancy dress were more in evidence now as they set off, year group by year group.

Amazingly, before the Year 7 fun runners had even set off, the first cross country runners had crossed the finish line! Congratulations to: 1st member of staff, Mr Lopes; 1st Senior, Charlotte Alexander; 1st Junior, Cara Gould (followed by her sister, Amie, who was the 1st Year 7 to finish). Indeed, congratulations to everyone, organisers and participants, on making it such a fabulous afternoon.

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