Upper Sixth Networking Breakfast

Upper Sixth Networking Breakfast

17 October 2018

On Tuesday, we held the first of this year’s Networking Breakfasts, attended by one half of our Upper Sixth students and guests working in accountancy, banking, event production, fundraising, marketing, public relations, and technology. These events give students the opportunity to develop their networking skills – an extremely important life skill – as well as to find out more about the world of work.

Guests and students enjoyed lively and informative conversation over a fabulous breakfast, laid on by the Catering department.  We are extremely grateful to our guests, current and former parents and alumnae, who gave up their time to take part. We look forward to our next event on 13th November.

We are keen to hear from parents who would like to participate in one of our careers events. Please contact Mrs Bodil Chambers, Head of Higher Education and Careers, if you are interested.

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