Year 8 Day of Reflection

Year 8 Day of Reflection

17 October 2018

On Monday, Year 8 students travelled to Aylesford Priory for a Day of Reflection, led by the Southwark Youth Services team. The day centred on the Sacred Heart Goal for this academic year, Personal Growth. The students worked together in small groups and focused on who they are as individuals and which areas of their life they wish to develop.  They shared their ideas with others, looking at their own uniqueness and their individual skills and how these could complement the skills of everyone else in the group.

The day concluded with the celebration of Mass, which the students prepared, and the theme was based on the parable of the mustard seed (Mt 13:31-35).  This was a reminder to all of us that from small beginnings can come great things.  Our uniqueness and individual talents will help our school community to grow this year and we all have an integral role to ensure that we appreciate our talents and use them efficiently to flourish as individuals.

Fr Gerry Devlin, Chaplain

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