Bonfire and Fireworks Night

Bonfire and Fireworks Night

13 November 2018

Bouts of heavy rain didn’t dampen spirits at last weekend’s Bonfire and Fireworks Night. Nor did it have any apparent effect on the huge bonfire – an annual triumph, courtesy of our wonderful grounds team.

It did mean that marquee was even fuller than usual for the performance of a song by each House, which was followed by the judging of the House guys. A lot of work – and not a little fun – goes into their making by Year 7, so it’s always a keenly-fought contest and Barat were suitably delighted to be declared winners.

Fortuitously, the rain, if not completely stopped, was much lighter for the firework display and the cloudy sky lit up with the dazzling show.  Many thanks to WPSA for organising another fantastic evening.

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