Inaugural Brain Breakfast

Inaugural Brain Breakfast

23 November 2018

We held Woldingham's very first Brain Breakfast on Thursday morning. Some Year 10 pupils took part in small group discussions about the highs and lows of their learning experiences, and also enjoyed a delicious full English breakfast.

The aim of this event was for our pupils to spend time reflecting upon their learning experiences and to discuss active ways in which they can improve their own learning and academic performance.  Teachers from Woldingham’s Teaching and Learning Committee joined them for the discussion and to advise practical ways in which they can move forward with their learning, the focus being to work smarter not harder…

The conversations cantered around many aspects of self-improvement, including asking the students to consider the following questions in relation to their work and academic performance:

Do they know the aim of the lesson/piece of work and the assessment criteria for marking?
Have they planned?
Have they proof read, looking for COPS (Capitals, Organisation, Punctuation and Spelling)?
Have they read the work out to themselves/friend/family?
Have they deconstructed the question, looking at the command words?
Have they worked to strict time limits which reflect exam conditions?
Have they used the however/therefore approach?

It was a very successful event and we’re already looking forward to the next one.

Mr William Bohanna, Senior Teacher (Teaching and Learning)

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