Foundation Day Mass

Foundation Day Mass

7 December 2018

Last Friday brought the eve of Woldingham’s 176th anniversary, and our community, which includes well over 100 students and staff who have joined it in the last year, gathered for our Foundation Day Mass. Fr Gerry spoke about the nuns from the Society of the Sacred Heart who travelled to England to found our school and made a real difference by providing a first rate education to young women. Now, he told us, it is our turn to make a difference in the world because, as Mother Digby said ‘…the present is ours…’ and we must use our individual and combined talents to best effect.

Mrs Hutchinson reminded us that exactly one year ago, the whole school celebrated Woldingham’s 175th anniversary with a Mass of Thanksgiving; the four Houses each learning and performing a song and dance from a country in the Sacred Heart network; a (very noisy) silent disco and the largest cake ever seen in the Valley.  Students also creatively expressed their personal identity and connection to the school by decorating ceramic tiles and these have now been brought together to create our permanent 175 wall display in Cloisters.

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