Year 11 Day of Reflection

Year 11 Day of Reflection

16 January 2019

On Monday, Year 11 students and their tutors travelled to Aylesford Priory in Kent for a Day of Reflection; this was facilitated by the Southwark Youth Services Team and the focus was on the Sacred Heart Goal for the academic year, personal growth. This was a very special day in the school calendar as it was the last time in this academic year for the whole of Year 11 to spend time together. The students worked in pairs and in small groups to focus on who they are as individuals and consider areas in their life which they wish to develop in terms of personal growth. They then shared their ideas with others, looking at how their own uniqueness and individual skills could complement those of others in serving our community, and beyond. The day was also an opportunity to give thanks for all that they have achieved to date as individuals and for the friendships and relationships which have grown over many years, and to share the different things the students admired about one another.

The day concluded with the celebration of Mass and we reflected on the parable of the mustard seed (Matthew 13:31:35); this reminded us that we have all grown as individuals into the people we are today and that we should always be happy with our own personal qualities, for we are called to be ‘good stewards’ to one another.

It was a very happy and reflective day and the students returned to school appreciating their own personal development and the close contact they share with one another. We are all a ‘work in progress’ but we have so much to be thankful for.

Fr Gerry Devlin, Chaplain

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