Theatre Set Design Workshop

Theatre Set Design Workshop

4 March 2019

Just before half term we were delighted to welcome Ken Walker from Chelsea Camberwell and Wimbledon School of Art and Jackie and Niall, both practising artists, to lead Year 9 art students in a theatre set workshop. We started the day venturing around our school and its grounds, looking at the place we know so well but trying to see it with fresh eyes. Where could that doorway lead to? Who is behind that keyhole? We let our imaginations run wild and wrote fantastical stories inspired by what we had seen. We then returned to the studio to start to make these stories come alive.

Students were taught how to make small models to go within their sets and everyone was hard at work for the day. The sets were crazy, imaginative and highly personal. We had running tracks, graveyards, mushroom houses… anything was possible. The mess, the fun, the glue, the paint, the wire - everything was out and the art room was alive with ideas and focus. At the end of the day we turned off the lights and lit some of the sets, casting shadows across them, seeing their potential as theatre stages.

It was a wonderful day, full of laughter, ideas and possibilities. It was great to see students collaborating, sharing ideas, taking risks and experimenting. We were so lucky to have such amazing artists to work with and we look forward to welcoming them back again soon.

Miss Lottie Reay, Head of Art

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