Confirmation Ceremony

Confirmation Ceremony

25 March 2019

On Friday 15 March, the school Chapel was filled to capacity as 19 students were confirmed by Bishop Richard Moth, Bishop of Arundel and Brighton. The students were joined by family and friends, many travelling long distances from Italy, Hong Kong and beyond to support them on the night.

During the Mass, Bishop Richard reminded the students of their new responsibility of service, using their gifts and talents wisely and effectively, as St Paul reminded us in scripture, “The particular way in which the Spirit is given to each person is for a good purpose” (Rom:12 4-12).

It was a very happy occasion and, after Mass, the Bishop joined students, family and friends at a reception in Main House.

It was a privilege working closely with the students over the past four months in the Confirmation Preparation Programme. Please remember the Confirmation group in your prayers as they continue their journey in faith.

Fr Gerry Devlin, Chaplain

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