Maths Puzzle Workshop

Maths Puzzle Workshop

26 March 2019

Today the Happy Puzzle company came in to talk to us about teamwork, perseverance and making maths fun! We worked through puzzles and challenges in groups and tried to complete them to the best of our ability. My favourite challenge was the first one: we took it in turns to be blindfolded and to try and pick up colourful plastic fish from the floor with a fishing rod. Obviously this would have been incredibly difficult by ourselves, so our team mates advised us what to do and which direction to go in. This was challenging, but we managed to catch the fish. I actually caught three!

After completing our first activity, there were still lots to come, so we got our thinking caps on and kept working. The next puzzle we did was to fill up tubes (like the ones you use in a science experiment) with colourful blocks with fractions on them. This was definitely the hardest challenge because we all we had two pieces missing which is why we were struggling. In the end we did find them, but it was quite irritating because we couldn’t do it - but we didn’t give up. These challenges really needed a team effort and if people didn't try their best and get really stuck in, we realised things could fall apart. However, we learnt that when you try your best you get more out of things.

Next we did a board game. We had a menu and we had to place items of food on the board in the right place by reading and looking at a picture. We managed to complete that by moving things round and really reading the information given. Overall it was a very enjoyable experience.  Even though there were hiccups along the way, we managed to carry on and learn some new things!

Mya, Year 7

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