Ski Trip to Sunday River, USA

Ski Trip to Sunday River, USA

26 April 2019

The first week of the Easter holidays saw the annual school ski trip head to Sunday River in Maine, USA. We had a fantastic week of skiing, on near empty runs with great snow. The skiing ability of the girls at the start of the trip was very mixed, from complete beginners to those who have skied for years, but, under the guidance of the excellent ski instructors, everyone improved.

Away from the skiing we enjoyed a night out to the local bowling alley, trips to the hotel’s swimming pool and a very competitive quiz night, which was won by the Year 9 team. At the end of the trip, prizes were awarded to Rosie (Lower Sixth) for best beginner, Kayleigh (Year 9) for most improved and Charlotte (Lower Sixth) for best skier.

Needless to say, we are already looking forward to next year’s ski trip, which will be to France. More details coming soon.

Miss Georgie Noble

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