Old Girls' Day 2019

Old Girls' Day 2019

22 May 2019

We were thrilled to welcome over 180 alumnae and their families to our annual Old Girls’ Day last Sunday. This was our largest reunion in a number of years, and we were delighted that some former members of staff and Sisters from the Sacred Heart were also able to join us.

The day started with Mass which, with a congregation of around 360, including our boarders and choir, was held in the Auditorium. If you missed it, or would like to watch it again, please click here.

After Mass, guests made their way to Marden House for a delicious lunch and the dining room resounded with laughter and chatter. After lunch Jenny Coote, WSHA Chair, gave thanks on behalf of the alumnae community to Mrs Judith Brown, Deputy Head Pastoral, for her 23 years’ service to Woldingham; Jenny also presented Judy with two pink rose bushes, named ‘Judith Brown’ - one rose will be planted in the school grounds and Judy will plant the other in her garden.

Then everyone headed to Main House for class reunions, a treasure hunt and afternoon tea. Lots of reminiscing was enjoyed, and group photos were taken by the pond and on Pergola Lawn, while children were kept busy with face painting, plate spinning, games and a bouncy castle. The leavers of 2014, 2009, 1999, 1994 and 1989 had their milestone reunions - some meeting for the first time since they left!

You can view more photos of this lovely day here - and we hope to see you at Old Girls' Day next year!

Mrs Katie Hogben, Alumnae Development Officer

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