Party on the Pitches - and farewell Mrs Brown

Party on the Pitches - and farewell Mrs Brown

1 July 2019

After making way for our fabulous 175 Giving Day last year, Party on the Pitches returned with a bang last Friday! Top Pitches were bathed in warm sunshine and inter-House competition was even hotter as teams (formed of Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and Lower Sixth plus a member of staff) battled it out in a variety of races: obstacle, egg and spoon, sack and go-kart.

After the races, everyone gathered to say a very ‘Woldingham’ farewell to Mrs Brown, who is retiring after an incredible 23 years of dedicated service to our school - the past 12 as Deputy Head Pastoral. Appropriately, as Mrs Brown was Woldingham’s Head of Drama for a decade, this began with a very dramatic “argument” between various groups of girls as to how best to say goodbye, which turned into a flash mob dance, with the whole school joining in. Flowers, tears, laughter and heartfelt words followed – with cake to finish!

Earlier that day, this year’s Mass on The Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus was also a Mass of Thanksgiving for the Dedicated Service of Mrs Judith Brown to Catholic Education. Mrs Hutchinson and Fr Gerry both paid tribute to Mrs Brown and Fr Gerry’s concluding words, “Thank you, Mrs Brown, for being you”, were echoed in the afternoon’s fun.

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