Year 7's Technicolor Dream(coat)

Year 7's Technicolor Dream(coat)

4 July 2019

Year 7 performed the vibrant musical ‘Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’ last week. It was a colourful and lively production, with all girls in the year involved, making it the largest-ever Woldingham production.  The show was directed by Mrs Catherine Nasskau, supported by Mr John Hargreaves as Musical Director; Mr Hargreaves led a splendid band which provided fantastic accompaniment.

As Headmistress Mrs Hutchinson described after the show, there was “full participation, high energy, huge team spirit, outstanding singing – and some very comical beards”. Special mention should be made of Isabella and Gaby, who both played Joseph, and also Sephora as a fabulous Elvis-style Pharaoh.

A CD of photographs of the show is available to parents.  If you could like one, please email with your daughter’s name and year group, giving authorisation for the £10 cost to be added to the school bill.

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