Watersports Trip

Watersports Trip

13 June 2019

Well we certainly had water - but mainly from above us! Our annual Year 8 Watersports trip to Ardingly Reservoir, West Sussex, took place on what proved to be one of the wettest June days in years - if I had put out a rain gauge, I am sure it would have been very full.

However, the girls were excited and ready to take on the weather.  With their protective wet suits working hard to keep the rain out, let alone the reservoir water, the day was spent windsurfing, dinghy sailing, kayaking and paddle boarding. The air rang with screams, shouts and laughter and there were plenty of tumbles into the water, which felt surprisingly warm compared to the air temperature.

The trip is all about being out of your comfort zone, working and supporting each other and physically challenging yourself - all these boxes received a big tick this year.  The girls really did themselves proud in what proved to be difficult conditions - many were cold, but persevered and tried all the activities.  They should be proud of their achievements and I hope they will now realise that they are tougher than they thought.

Miss Annie O’Neill

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