Oh! What A Lovely War

Oh! What A Lovely War

11 December 2018

On Thursday and Friday evenings last week, 22 Sixth Formers took to the stage to perform in Oh! What A Lovely War. They were supported by a crew of seven student technicians from Years 10 to Upper Sixth, the Drama staff, Mr Brown and Mr Skelly. Oh! What a Lovely War is a theatrical chronicle of the First World War, told through the songs and documents of the period. Devised and first performed by Joan Littlewood's Theatre Workshop in 1963, it has gone on to become a classic of the modern theatre.

We thoroughly enjoyed rehearsing this piece, although with well over 100 speaking roles taken on by our cast of 22, it was a challenge to say the least!  Each performer had to develop a range of contrasting satirical characters alongside working on musical interpretation and choreography, and the crew had to work like Trojans backstage, co-ordinating and negotiating a relentless stream of quick changes and prop handovers. The commitment to this project demonstrated by cast and crew alike has been commendable. It has been a real labour of love for all concerned and our audiences certainly seemed to appreciate all the effort put in.

DVDs of the production stills are available for purchase. If you would like a copy, please email me.

Mrs Emma Love, Assistant Director of Drama

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