Year 10 Day of Reflection

Year 10 Day of Reflection

7 February 2019

Year 10 and their tutors travelled to Aylesford Priory in Kent for a Day of Reflection, the focus of which was on the Sacred Heart Goal of Personal Growth. The students worked in pairs and in small groups, listening, responding and reflecting on different aspects of their life story and their journey through Woldingham. The theme running through the day was “the mark we make” , and students considered their contribution to the school community and the impact they can have, both individually and as a year group.

The students really engaged with the discussions about how they can work with each other and celebrate their differences. At times, we take many things and people for granted, but we have all been given many gifts and talents which we can use effectively and wisely to make our school community, and the world, a better place.

The day concluded with Mass, which the students prepared and celebrated. The parable of the mustard seed (Matthew 13:31-35) reminded us that we have grown into the individuals we are today and that we all have the opportunity to change the world and make it a better place, by serving the Lord and one another with great gladness and joy.

It was a very happy and reflective day and the students returned to Woldingham appreciating their own personal development and the close contact they enjoy with one another.

Fr Gerry Devlin, Chaplain

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