Design and Technology students receive Starpack Awards

Design and Technology students receive Starpack Awards

19 September 2019

Our Lower Sixth Design and Technology students entered the 2019 Starpack Industry Awards competition. This annual awards scheme is sponsored by the packaging industry and recognises innovation in packaging design and technology.  The students could choose from several challenging briefs and we are delighted that all of our candidates received an award, which is particularly fantastic as this was our first year of entry.

Harriet was awarded Gold for a children’s lunchbox designed to encourage and promote healthy eating.  Harriet made use of our industry standard 3D CAD software and manufactured the main part of her project on one of our 3D printers.  She went on to produce professional grade computer generated graphics for the cardboard sleeve, which makes the product commercially viable.  The judges’ feedback was that the lunchbox was “an attractive and well produced concept with good shelf appeal and customer usage”.

Poppy won a Silver Award for her reusable drinking bottle which raises awareness of global climate change. Poppy designed and manufactured a high quality prototype using PLA, a biodegradable polymer.  Her bottle also made use of a metal reusable straw.  Poppy explored the more challenging 3D CAD functions in order to generate the files necessary to create the intricate design for the globe section of the bottle.  The judges particularly commented on her development boards, which they described as “excellent and well developed”.

Isabella addressed the “Alternative Advent” brief and researched and investigated ways to mark the countdown to Christmas using the range of materials set out in the brief.  She received a Bronze Award and the judges noted her innovation and described the product as “fun and original”.  The combination of high quality computer generated graphics and laser cut net ensured that her outcome was commercially viable.

Sasha also chose the children’s lunchbox brief and decided to approach her project by taking inspiration from Thomas Heatherwick’s London bus design.  She was able to exploit the department’s manufacturing capabilities to produce a prototype that was highly recognisable as a London bus.  A notable design feature was the ability for the user to have an element of customisation.  Sasha’s entry was Highly Commended and the judges described it as “a good visual concept that has appeal, and a well finished mock up.”

Mr Daniel Wahab, Head of Design and Technology

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