Celebrating National Poetry Day with Jolade Olusanya

Celebrating National Poetry Day with Jolade Olusanya

3 October 2019

We were very fortunate to have Jolade Olusanya in school on Thursday 3 October to help us celebrate National Poetry Day.

Jolade is a poet from East London who has performed internationally and written poetry commissions for the Barbican, TFL, Ernst & Young, the Roundhouse, BBC1 Xtra, among many others.

He joined us for our National Poetry Day assembly, then spent the morning taking poetry classes with some of our English students. These sessions were based around ‘Truth’, the theme for this year’s National Poetry Day. Year 9 students considered what the word ‘Truth’ meant to them; Year 8s enjoyed a creative writing session, based on a poem called ‘I am a Writer’ by Odia Omeifun; Year 11s discussed ‘Truth’ in relationships; and the Sixth Form worked on an unseen poem called Sight Test as A Level practice.

Jolade rounded his visit off to us with an inspiring and immensely enjoyable reading of his own poetry in the Live Lounge, which rounded off National Poetry Day for the school in a very memorable way.

Ms Amanda Owens, Librarian

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