Students and Staff Hit the Road, the Fields and the Footpaths

Students and Staff Hit the Road, the Fields and the Footpaths

14 October 2019

Thankfully, in the midst of a rather wet autumn, the sun made a welcome, if sporadic, appearance for the annual Inter-House Cross Country and Fun Run on Thursday 10 October – the afternoon activity on Woldingham’s THRIVE Day.

The 5km cross country race was a very popular option, with 101 competitors in the Junior Race and 131 in the Senior – not to mention an excellent turnout by staff. Sisters Amie (Barat) and Cara (Barat) took first and third place in the Junior 5km, separated by Ela (Duchense) in second place. However, no one managed to part sisters Charlotte (Digby) and Harriet (Digby) in the Senior 5km, with third place going to Maisie (Stuart). The staff race was won by Mr Hillier (Barat), with Mr Ceska (Duchesne) and Mr Maunder (Stuart) the next home. When the results were counted, the Inter House Cup was awarded to Barat with a grand total of 502 points.

With everyone else putting their best foot forward in the Fun Run, there were around 600 people running around our grounds at the same time. What a fitting way to finish THRIVE Day - and World Mental Health Day.

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