Oxbridge applicants put through their paces

Oxbridge applicants put through their paces

20 November 2019

As part of their preparations for their upcoming interviews, our Upper Sixth Oxbridge applicants each delivered a talk on their specialist subject to students in Years 7 to Lower Sixth on our Kritikos programme.

The talks covered a range of fascinating fields. Scientists explored sustainability, plants, medical marijuana and the effects of poor research on public understanding. Meanwhile mathematicians considered some significant number crunching to explore codebreaking and cyphers and economic models that can be proved by everyday life at Woldingham. Finally, in the humanities area, talks included the law on murder, how history can be distorted by collective memory and Jewish identity. The students had clearly read widely and thought deeply about the topics they wanted to explore. Some also had considered great ways to get audience interaction. At the end of their presentations, the students had to think on their feet to respond to some probing questions from their audience.

Our Kritikos students learnt a lot, not just about the topics but also the research required to reach the level of understanding our Oxbridge applicants demonstrated.  We wish them all the best with their applications.

Mrs Katharine Payne, Coordinator of Kritikos

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