Duchesne House goes back to the 80s

Duchesne House goes back to the 80s

27 November 2019

Duchesne House went back to the 80s for this year’s House Feast.

First, we all enjoyed a lovely Mass, led by Father Gerry.  Members of the House gave readings and provided flute accompaniment to the hymns.

After Mass, we headed to the dining room – decorated in neon colours - for a delicious meal. The tables were named after famous singers, films and 80s memorabilia and came complete with rave necklaces, bubbles and games.  As might be expected, during the meal we enjoyed plenty of 80s music – and we even had an impromptu Upper Sixth karaoke session whilst tidying up at the end of the evening.

Many thanks to everyone involved in the organisation of the evening and to our catering staff for the lovely food.

 Miss Lucinda Banton, Head of Duchesne House

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