Year 8 take time to reflect

Year 8 take time to reflect

23 January 2020

On Tuesday 21 January, Year 8 students travelled to Aylesford Priory in Kent for a Day of Reflection, led by the Southwark Youth Services Team. The theme for the day was this year’s Sacred Heart Goal, Social Awareness, and the students began the day by thinking about themselves and their many gifts and talents. These can make a difference in our school community and beyond and it is important that they try to ensure their voices are heard in our world today.

The students took part in various workshops looking at how they can change the world and how they can inspire others. They were challenged to become more aware of the world around us and what needs to be changed on our planet today. They also looked at the work of CAFOD, which makes a difference by helping others. In pairs in a team building exercise, students took part in activities that helped them to become more aware of and appreciate those we walk alongside every day and to value their help and support.

The day concluded with the celebration of Mass, which the students prepared. We were challenged by the words of St Paul (Col 3: 12-17) who asked us to be kind, humble, patient, forgiving and loving.

The students returned to Woldingham with thoughts on how they can make a difference and not to be afraid of change in their own lives, as well as with optimism that they can use their voices to make an impact on other people. They also brought back a poster they had created to convey their ideas of how they will live out the words of Psalm 33:5 ‘The earth is full of the loving kindness of the Lord’. This will be displayed near the Theology Department.

By their love and compassion and care for the earth and one another the students embraced the words spoken to us by Mahatma Gandhi, ‘Be the change that you wish to see in the world’.

Fr Gerry Devlin, Chaplain

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