Sixth Form History of Art Workshop

Sixth Form History of Art Workshop

3 February 2020

At the end of January, Mr Cullen organised a fantastic History of Art workshop, run by Ms Fielding from The Bigger Picture. Its main aim was to help the Upper Sixth prepare for their upcoming exams, but it also gave us Lower Sixth students a taste of things we will be learning about later this year.

Each Upper Sixth student was buddied with a Lower Sixth student. In the first session we discussed technical vocabulary based on art, nature and identity, as well as some interesting case studies. For example, we looked at how to recognise feminist meanings in portraits by women, based on the subject’s features and an understanding of specific contexts. This was very helpful revision for the Upper Sixth and we Lower Sixth gained some useful insights from collaborating with our buddy.

The essay planning session provided guidance on exam technique, which was a great introduction to these skills for the Lower Sixth and the Upper Sixth were able to refresh their memories by assisting us.

Overall, the workshop was extremely encouraging and interesting. We not only gained new knowledge, but also some new practical skills.

Daisy, Lower Sixth

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