Students enjoy breakfast discussion about working smarter

Students enjoy breakfast discussion about working smarter

11 March 2020

Mr William Bohanna, Senior Teacher (Teaching and Learning)

On Tuesday 10 March, we held our first ‘brain breakfast’ for students in Years 7 and 8. 

The aim of our series of breakfasts is for students to spend time reflecting on their learning experiences and to discuss with staff and one another how to improve their own learning and academic performance. To facilitate discussion, we ask students to bring along one piece of work that they are proud of and another that they feel they could have done better. The focus is on working smarter, not harder, as Lana in Year 7 explains:

'I really enjoyed ‘brain breakfast’ today because I liked talking to teachers to find better ways and solutions to help me to learn better. I was shown methods to improve the way I do homework and how I study.

I personally understood that I should ensure my busy schedule has a balance between working and relaxing. I also now realise the importance of having breaks when doing homework, otherwise I will get tired and not want to work any more.

Over breakfast, we talked about our good piece of work first. Mine was my English essay, which I felt proud of because I had spent over an hour on the topic, which I found very interesting. When I shared my ‘not so good’ piece of work, I learned from the teachers not to be too hard on myself and to spend equal amounts of time on all my homework.

It was a really enjoyable session and I took lots of useful advice away with me.'

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