Royal congratulations for Olivia

Royal congratulations for Olivia

17 April 2020

Huge congratulations are due to Upper Sixth Former Olivia, and Woldingham alumnae Penny and Roisin, who have earnt their Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. They were due to go to Buckingham Palace in May for the presentation ceremony. Unfortunately, though unsurprisingly, the presentation can’t take place, so the Earl of Wessex recorded a special message of congratulations to all Gold Award winners, which you can see here. He also arranged for a host of familar faces to send their congratulations in a second video – click here to watch this.

Gaining a Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award is a very significant achievement – and one that is respected by employers. Hopefully Olivia, Penny and Roisin will be able to attend a ceremony at Buckingham Palace at a later date to further recognise their fantastic efforts.

Olivia is on the right in the below photo, taken on her Gold DofE expedition last summer.

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