Year 8 students give superb 'virtual' mini EPQ presentations

Year 8 students give superb 'virtual' mini EPQ presentations

23 April 2020

A group of Year 8 students – Anjali, Charlotte, Hattie, Anna, Caitlin and Mia – completed the presentation part of their AQA Level 1 Project Qualification on Thursday 23 April. This is essentially a mini EPQ which allows them to research a topic of their choice, write an essay of around 1000 words, deliver a presentation on the subject, and complete a log about their project journey. The students would usually be presenting in Main House’s Goddard Room, but this year, from necessity, they shared their presentations with Miss Owen, Head of Marden, via Microsoft Teams. They took this in their stride, presenting articulately on the following topics:

  • Does political satire warp our perspective of politics in the UK?
  • How is mankind affecting coral reefs and what are we doing to save them?
  • Are we setting up future sports stars to fail?
  • Should the arms trade be banned in the UK?
  • Is it possible to make housing affordable and sustainable?
  • Could dogs play a vital role in resolving our mental health crisis?

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