A virtual tour around the year groups – week 2

A virtual tour around the year groups – week 2

30 April 2020

Miss Charlotte Owen, Head of Marden

In my first remote assembly to Marden this term, I talked to our Year 7 and 8 students about the important role they are playing in tackling Covid-19 by staying at home and remaining calm. I reminded them of the significance of Easter to Christians and the message of hope it offers at this difficult and unsettled time. Lastly, I encouraged students to be positive and rise to the challenges we currently face.

Marden girls have been invited to show their support for the UK’s health and care staff by creating a rainbow for Rawlings Opticians, which has kindly offered to display rainbow pictures made by the girls in their windows across Surrey and Hampshire. I have been delighted to see some of the pictures of the girls’ artwork, which has either been posted electronically to Rawlings or some girls have gone to the trouble of putting through the letterboxes of our more local branches.


Mr Chris Kellaway, Head of Year 9

Year 9 girls have told me that they are enjoying online learning. But they are missing the buzz of Woldingham and seeing not only their friends but people throughout the community.

This week, as part of my challenge for us all to be the best version of ourselves, I set the task of taking some time to appreciate what we have. In particular, sitting and reflecting on nature. Alongside this in THRIVE, students have been busily getting recipes together for their Year 9 cook book. This will continue into next week.

Sophia W made a recording of her playing Nocturne in E Minor by Chopin, which made a wonderful ending to our Year assembly this week, and gave a lovely introduction explaining the piece. Well done Sophia. Beautifully played.


Mrs Sarah Norman, Head of Year 10

It has been lovely to catch up with the girls this week, popping into tutor times, seeing Mr Rattle’s drawing game and Pictionary and also having one-to-ones.

It appears quite natural now and the girls continue to impress me by clearly wanting to do well. For a lot, I know this is a real enjoyment, being at home with loved ones, and life before lockdown seems ever more distant. However, I still cannot wait for the day when we can all be together for our Year assembly and Rusty can get all the attention he is so missing from the girls.


Mr Terry Nunes, Head of Year 11

Year 11 students have continued where they left off last week. Following my Year assembly, which focused on a childhood story of grabbing opportunities when presented with them, our incredible girls have done just that – learning and researching about organ donation in THRIVE, continuing with their lessons with their usual, wonderful positive attitude and maintaining their independent research tasks. Well done from a very proud HOY.


Mr Phil Abbott, Head of Sixth Form

The Upper Sixth students’ Brave New Wold programme continues apace. As part of their Life Lessons course, every Thursday they are receiving bespoke cookery lessons with 2018 MasterChef Quarter-Finalist Erin Peyman. This week’s recipe was a chicken filo pie and the results of the students’ time in the kitchen looked fantastic.

The girls have been preparing for the world beyond school in other ways. In their Futures Course, Mr Kellaway provided insights on how to choose the right graduate job and shared some great advice for career success. Through his fantastic networking connections, he arranged for a number of ‘top tips’ videos from experts in their various fields – from financial services and law to advertising and public relations - giving students guidance on what employers are looking for in a graduate and how best to showcase these skills.


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