A virtual tour around the year groups – week 3

A virtual tour around the year groups – week 3

7 May 2020

Sixth Form

This week Assistant Head of Sixth Form Miss Whitworth encouraged Sixth Form students to have quality time away from their screens. Using mobile phone films, the Sixth Form tutor team shared the wide range of activities they are trying, from art using shower mats by Miss Reay, to podcasts with Miss Noble. Miss Whitworth revealed her rediscovered love of rollerblading and Miss Kelly the slightly less risky joy of jigsaw puzzles. Head of Sixth Form Mr Abbott showed a surprisingly competitive nature when playing chess with his young daughter. So far students have said they have tried embroidery and painting. It will be great to hear what other activities Sixth Form students are up to away from their screens.

Main House

Mr Nunes encouraged his Year 11 students to keep active this week. Running and walking are his current exercises of choice and he challenged Year 11 to find the physical activity right for them at this time. No doubt Mr Nunes will be asking students about this when they drop in to his new on-line ‘coffee meetings’ which started this week. A great new informal way to keep in touch.

As part of their Brave New Wold programme this term, Year 11 students have a wide range of opportunities to stretch themselves and learn in new ways. This includes updating their achievement logs, which Mr Nunes encouraged Year 11 to keep on top of.

In the spirit of her mantra to Year 10 to ‘keep learning and learn new things’, Mrs Norman suggested students search out riddles to keep brains active as well as being good fun. One of Mrs Norman’s favourites is: I have a tail and a head but no body, what I am I? Answer a coin.

Mr Kellaway challenged Year 9 to stay positive this week as he encouraged them to continue to be the best version of themselves. Isabel, who shared a video of a piece she had been learning at home - Bach’s Sonata for Violin No1, Presto - is a great example of being the best version of herself musically.

Alongside their on-line lessons, Year 9 students have been busy putting the final touches to their cookbook this week having researched, tested and photographed their recipes. The book will be published for the year group so they have more recipes to try out.

And finally, with school exams coming up, Mr Kellaway shared tips on revision at his assembly.


We’re delighted to share some of the super art skills of Marden students who have created beautiful NHS rainbows for Rawlings Opticians, which has kindly offered to display rainbow pictures made by the girls in their windows across Surrey and Hampshire. Woldingham was able to provide visors to Rawlings so their opticians could provide emergency eye care.

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