A virtual tour around the year groups – week 9

A virtual tour around the year groups – week 9

25 June 2020

It’s been great to see Lower Sixth students back in school this week. On Tuesday they had an HE day with Mrs Chambers, Head of Higher Education and Careers, focusing on university applications. On Wednesday and Thursday, students in school had socially distanced lessons while those in the Lower Sixth unable to be in school had lessons on-line.

 At the other end of the school, Year 7 shared tales of their tea parties with their grandparents, or other relatives. Normally at this time of year we welcome Year 7 grandparents to Woldingham to enjoy afternoon tea and for students to show them around our lovely school. As we can’t be at school together this year we thought we should carry on with the tradition but in a slightly different way. Year 7s were asked to organise a tea party with their grandparents (or other relatives), either in person, or virtually, depending on individual circumstances, and to tell them about their first year at Woldingham and what they have done since joining the school. One local student had planned to take her nan on a walk through Woldingham’s valley to show her our beautiful surroundings. Unfortunately, rain put paid to that plan, but cake was still enjoyed by all!

Years 7, 8 and 9 have been making preparations for House Day 2020, an ingenious virtual amalgamation of Sports Day and Party on the Pitches. No doubt eggs have been boiled and spoons polished ahead of next Thursday’s extravaganza.

This week Year 10 students discussed how best to use the summer holidays to be prepared for the final leg of GCSEs and Year 11. They also looked at the finer details of next week’s plans, both for those able to return to school next week and those who can’t.

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