Fierce, but friendly, competition at House Day 2020

Fierce, but friendly, competition at House Day 2020

2 July 2020

Mrs Caroline Treacy, Director of Sport

The last weeks of the summer term are always full of excitement at events such as Sports Day and Party on the Pitches. Not wanting this year to be any different, the PE department and the Heads of House joined forces to bring the girls ‘House Day 2020’ - or what I like to refer to unofficially as ‘Party on the PC’.

The first events of Thursday 2 July were House activities. Students were asked to design a House banner – for once individually rather than en masse - and dress up their House colours. Their creativity was impressive.

We then moved into ‘The Lost Sports Day’, Woldingham’s version of a host of sporting events that couldn’t take place this summer because of the pandemic. These included the Tokyo Olympics for long jump and the marathon, the Premier League keepy uppy challenge, the Tour de France 5km cycle, Badminton Horse Trials (no horse required) and a particularly unusual version of Crufts in which owners were accompanied by cats as well as dogs! Students earned House points for each event they took part in, and the top eight in each event were awarded additional points.

Of many highlights, Imogen (Digby) and her dog Willow (honorary member of Digby) particularly impressed in the Year 9 Crufts competition, whilst Year 8’s Onome (Duchesne) was the clear champion of the keepy uppy challenge with a superb score of 45! We had entries from around the world and the Year 8 long jump was won by Alana (Barat) who was competing on a rooftop in Malta!

House Day culminated in an egg and spoon race involving more than 170 people, which saw Stuart House emerge victorious. However, once the points for all events were totalled, the overall winner of House Day 2020 was … Barat!  Well done to everyone who took part in this unique Woldingham ‘summertime special’.

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