Years 7, 8 and 9 take on creative and business challenges

Years 7, 8 and 9 take on creative and business challenges

2 July 2020

Year 9 took part in a THRIVE Business Challenge day on Wednesday 1 July. This began with a series of presentations on how to present from Head of Year Mr Kellaway; how to sell from Mr Bohanna, Head of Economics and Business; and how to work in a team from Mrs Chambers, Head of Higher Education and Careers.

The students were split into remote teams to write a pitch on how they would launch and sell a book. Each team then presented their pitch to the whole year group. Mrs Chambers and Mr Bohanna marked the pitches based on the quality of teamwork, presentation and sales strategy.  Each member of the winning team - Lara, Kirsty, Ava, Mashiro, Imogen, Imo and Daisy ­- were awarded prize money to be donated to a charity of their choice.

Mrs Chambers thoroughly enjoyed being mentor and judge, commenting ‘The girls’ pitches were amazing: persuasive and professional presentations at a standard that wouldn’t be out of the place in the workplace. Well done all!’

Students in Years 7 and 8 took on quite different tasks for the Marden THRIVE Challenge Day. They threw themselves wholeheartedly into complete two tasks from the following delightful list:

Tea at The Ritz: Create an afternoon tea for two - sandwiches, cream tea, cakes and, of course, a cuppa!

Paint like Picasso: Paint a picture of something that inspires you.

Sewing Bee: Sew something that takes your fancy – a bag, a skirt, a hat…?

Pilgrimage for the soul: Take a walk of at least 5km to a peaceful place where photos can be taken of nature or a beautiful building.

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