Facials, fitness and fun for Year 10 boarders

Facials, fitness and fun for Year 10 boarders

13 October 2020

Ms Sue Jones, Year 10 Housemistress

Our weekends in Year 10 boarding are shaping up nicely despite the restrictions we face in these challenging times. We have a fun range of activities for our boarders to get involved in, balanced with time for rest, relaxation and study.

Last weekend began with homemade facial treatments on Friday evening. We made these with a base of yoghurt, honey and oatmeal and personalised them with lemon, banana, turmeric or avocado. This meant everyone was positively glowing the following morning as our boarders either took part in Saturday Active drama and sports fitness workshops or headed off for a practice expedition for their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Badminton in the sports hall or a game in the tennis dome were the order of the afternoon for some, whilst others got busy making chocolate cookies.

On Sunday we ran a photography competition entitled ‘Perspectives on Woldingham’. The girls spent time outside enjoying the fine October weather and capturing some unique views of our school and grounds. Cherry’s photo of sunshine through the pergola won her, appropriately, a chocolate camera and there was a runner up prize for Julie.

After half term we are looking forward to bringing laser tag, escape room and sushi making to Woldingham, as well as getting out for some local exeats and carefully planned trips.

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