A view from the valley – the big freeze

A view from the valley – the big freeze

11 February 2021

Mr Adrian Ross, valley resident and Head of Theology

This week saw the valley once again covered in snow. As I write, the hills and school buildings are still blanketed in white. Our small boarding community has certainly taken full advantage of the snowfall, getting outside for some sledging, snowball throwing and even igloo building. There was even a sighting of someone out on the hills with a pair of skis. Who would have guessed that Woldingham School would become a mini ski resort? If you had snow where you live, I hope that you managed to get out and have some fun in the snow.

This week I’ve been delighted to see a variety of birds tucking into the suet balls I put out - robins are the most frequent visitors. Happily, the squirrels haven’t found them yet, but there are plenty to be seen around the site, busy foraging for food.

I hope you all have a wonderful half term. Whilst most of us won’t be able to go off on holidays or adventures, the change of routine will be a welcome break. Let us hope and pray that we will be able to return to Woldingham in time to see the grounds in spring bloom. I wish you a pleasant half term break wherever you are and look forward to seeing you soon.

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