Eye-catching close ups in week 4 of #PhotographersWold

Eye-catching close ups in week 4 of #PhotographersWold

12 February 2021

We were delighted to have LA-based professional photographer, and former Woldingham Head Girl, Anne Burkley as our guest judge for the “close ups” week of #PhotographersWold.  

Anne’s career in photography began with classes at Woldingham taught by Mr Arthur. After university Anne lived in Paris and worked for Sygma Photo Agency, which syndicated celebrity images worldwide, later moving to work for the company in LA. After five years with Sygma, Anne started her own company, Portfolio One, which is now one of the top celebrity and fashion still production companies in the world. With clients such as Annie Leibovitz,  Anne produces photo shoots for American Vogue, Warner Bros Pictures and everyone in between.  

Anne was extremely impressed with the quality of entries, saying:

“I would like to commend the participants in this week’s contest.  Every image submitted has offered a range of technical achievement, attention to frame - and importantly - works to tell a story in a small moment.  I am incredibly impressed by the ‘eye’ of these photographers and it has been very difficult to choose the winners!”

Anne’s results and comments are as follows:

Student winner: Theodora, Lower Sixth “The image wins because of the excellent lighting, crisp image and well-balanced composition.  It distinguishes itself for clearly defining what a ‘close-up’ can be.”

 Very well done to Theodora, who was also highly commended for both her “landscapes” and “sun and light” photos. Theodora’s stunning close up of an eye is the main photo in the article.

Adult winner: Mrs Alison Mason, Upper Sixth Housemistress “The soft tone and painterly quality are a beautiful balance to the carefully composed frame.”  

Anne also wanted to commend the work of other photographers, namely:

Loreen, Year 8 (icicle ‘stalactites’) “Has a gritty and modern interpretation of nature I found refreshing and bold.”

Olivia M, Year 8 (snowy scene) “This image has an absolutely magical quality.”

Isobel, Year 10 (cacti) and Agnes, Year 9 (pizza) “Both wonderfully framed and coloured.”

“Lastly, I appreciated these images for giving us a moment to reflect on nature’s delicate beauty”:

Amy D, Year 7 (icicle ‘waterfall’ on rock)

Isabella R, Year 8 (leaf caught in bark)

Toni, Year 9 (bark)

Katy N, Year 11 (water droplets on spider’s web)

Millie C, Year 11 (icicle in snow)

Charlotte W, Upper Sixth (icicle ‘stalagmites’)

Gemma, Upper Sixth (snow on branch)

Mrs Mason’s lily photo and those of all our highly commended photographers can be seen in the gallery below.

Thank you to everyone who has taken part in #PhotographersWold. Your photos have added colour and interest at a rather ‘grey’ time. It’s not quite over though as Theodora’s and Mrs Mason’s photos will go through to the “grand final” and the overall #PhotographersWold competition winner will be announced after half term.

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