Woldingham walks in support of the Cardinal Hume Centre

Woldingham walks in support of the Cardinal Hume Centre

17 March 2021

The normally peaceful footpaths in and around Marden Park experienced some unusually heavy traffic on Wednesday 17 March as students and staff did a sponsored walk to raise money for our Lenten charity, the Cardinal Hume Centre, as part of our series of Wellbeing Wednesdays.

In year group bubbles, walkers passed through Templehill Plantation, Great Churchwood Nature Reserve and Stubbs Copse. The rain fell for a while on those with earlier departures, but it was soon forgotten as the sun came out and the grey sky transformed to blue. What will probably linger long in the memory, along with the fun of being outdoors with friends, is the mud. Mud. Glorious mud. There was no avoiding it, and everyone was wearing some (to varying degrees) by the end of a good walk for a really good cause. Thank you to Fr Gerry Devlin and Head of Marden Miss Charlotte Owen for organising this.

The Cardinal Hume Centre in London helps homeless people, families who have lost their jobs during the pandemic and young people, aged 16-24 years old, who have moved away from their parental homes and are now trying to rebuild their lives. 

If you are able to donate to the Cardinal Hume Centre, Woldingham School’s bank details are below. Please quote the reference E120.

Bank:  Barclays Bank plc
Branch:  Caterham The Croydon Group
Account Name: Woldingham School
Sort Code: 20-24-87
Account Number:  80809381
IBAN:  GB84BARC 2024 8780 809381


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