Bronze DofE students prepare for practice expedition

Bronze DofE students prepare for practice expedition

24 March 2021

Miss Kristina Berndt, Bronze DofE Coordinator

On Friday 20 March, Year 9 students working towards their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s Award had a training day in and around the sports centre. The instructors from A to Z Expeditions led them through various workshops, including map reading, first aid and kit and packing. Making hot chocolate on camping stoves proved to be one of the highlights of the day.

After two months of remote school it was wonderful to see the students finally getting together to prepare for their practice expedition taking place in May. However, they managed to keep themselves busy during lockdown by working on completing their other three sections of the bronze programme – volunteering, physical and skills. For the skills section, where students learn something new over three or six months, Sophie opted for sewing and Mieke learnt how to refurbish furniture, while cooking was a very popular option for other students.  For the volunteering section, Lauren has been doing a weekly litter pick on her local common.

The Woldingham DofE team is looking forward to the summer term, with training days for the Silver and Gold Awards coming up, as well as practice and qualifying expeditions. Do follow the team on Twitter (@Wold_DofE) for up-to-date news.

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