Year 11 students prepare for Sixth Form life

Year 11 students prepare for Sixth Form life

27 May 2021

With GCSE assessments behind them, students in Year 11 have been looking forward to life in the Sixth Form during a varied and useful programme over three days this week.

The programme began on Wednesday 26 May with talks from Head of Sixth Form Mr Phil Abbott and current Lower Sixth students about the excitement that awaits them in September, academically, in the extra-curricular arena, leadership opportunities, and great trips. The current Sixth Formers also talked and answered a barrage of questions about their experience of smaller class sizes, different relationships with teachers, with whom you share a mutual passion for a subject, and life in Berwick and Shanley, for both day and boarding students.

Year 11 enjoyed lessons on two of their chosen A Level subjects before a well-deserved afternoon of fun on Top Pitches with the PE team, complete with egg and spoon and space hopper racing. The year group has clearly worked out individual areas of strength in their time at Woldingham as everyone involved in the limbo session was extraordinarily impressive.

On Thursday morning, Head of Higher Education & Careers Mrs Bodil Chambers gave students the opportunity to focus on the world of work, which included a very practical CV workshop, followed by a virtual careers networking event at which they talked to six alumnae, from fields including finance, law, film production and travel writing. At the end of the day they took part in one of Woldingham’s student-led Sixth Form societies, choosing from Chemistry Society, Current Affairs Club, Women of Woldingham and REthink.

The third and final day of the programme on Friday 28 May sees Year 11 take two more A Level classes, tour Sixth Form houses Berwick and Shanley, and learn about the highly-respected Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) that many Woldingham Sixth Formers opt to take.

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