West End Wold wows

West End Wold wows

1 July 2021

“The show must go on” was embodied by West End Wold, a wonderful evening’s entertainment live streamed to the Woldingham community on Wednesday 30 June. 

This collaboration between Woldingham’s Drama Department and extra-curricular clubs, Dance with Attitude, Glee Club, Choreography Club and Drama Masterclass, was the result of hard work, team work and passion, as Mrs Emma Love, Woldingham’s Assistant Director of Drama, describes below. 

Mrs Emma Love, Assistant Director of Drama

Not long after we returned to Woldingham in early March, an idea was born in the Drama Department. We wanted to create a show to celebrate the range of talent in and across the school community, but also one that could be rehearsed in isolation should we have to return to our #VirtualValley.

The result was West End Wold - a revue production featuring student performers from all years and members of staff performing excerpts from, and paying homage to, a broad range of West End productions. We did not want to stop there. We wanted to embrace a range of different disciplines within the show, from acting, singing and dancing to film-making, set and prop design, not forgetting stage-management.

Production took place during the week of 18 June, with different year bubbles filmed every day. We recorded as many performers as possible in front of an audience as we were very aware that many had never performed live before. The result of our efforts was a show consisting of pieces from 28 productions, with a cast and crew of 68 people. We believe it is an excellent showcase of the talent in our school and a great celebration of the return of live entertainment. We hope you enjoyed West End Wold, and we very much look forward to offering a lot more performance opportunities in the school year to come. 

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